

Shipping & Home Delivery Procedure for Cream Dapple Dachshund Puppies

At, we are dedicated to ensuring that your new dachshund puppy’s journey from our location to your home in the USA, Europe, Australia or Canada is smooth and stress-free. Our shipping process is designed with your puppy’s comfort and safety in mind.

Rundown Summary

Here’s how the delivery procedure works and the information I’ll need from you:
1} Document Security: The transfer of ownership document and sales contract provide security for both parties, offering legal protection and facilitating resolution if needed.
2. **Confirm Purchase:** Once you confirm that you want to proceed with the adoption, we will finalize the payment and any necessary paperwork. Payment can be done through Bank Transfer, Zelle, Cash App, Apple Pay
3. **Schedule Delivery:** We will arrange a convenient delivery date and time. Delivery can be through a pet shipping service or a pet nanny, depending on your preference and location.
4. **Health and Safety Checks:** Before the delivery, we will perform a final health check to ensure the puppy is in good condition for travel. We will also provide any necessary documents, including his veterinary records.
5. **Travel Arrangements:** If using a pet shipping service, the parrot will be transported in a secure, comfortable carrier with food and water. If using a pet nanny, the puppy will travel with a professional who ensures his safety and comfort throughout the journey.
6. **Delivery:** The puppy will be delivered to your specified address. We will keep you updated throughout the process and provide an estimated arrival time.
### Information Needed from You:
1. **Full Name and Contact Information:** Your full name, phone number, and email address.
2. **Delivery Address:** The complete address where you want the puppy to be delivered.

Customer Information Required: To facilitate the shipping process and ensure accurate registration and flight arrangements, we will need the following details from you:

 Delivery information needed so we can do the transfer of ownership document and sales contract then meet wih registration and flight

  • Full Name
  • Address
  • City
  • Zip Code
  • State/Province
  • Phone Number
  • Nearest Airport
  • New puppy’s Name (once you have selected your puppy )

Airline and Travel Details: Your puppy will be transported via American, United, or Continental Airlines using their Pet-Safe program. They will travel in a climate-controlled cabin area specifically designed for pets, housed in an airline-approved carrier. This ensures a safe and comfortable environment for your new puppy throughout the journey.

Flight Information: You will receive a flight number, estimated arrival time, and a reference number once the arrangements are complete. This allows you to track your parrot’s journey and stay informed about their arrival. All logistics are handled by us, so you simply need to pick up your parrot at your nearest airport.

Shipping Duration: Shipping typically takes 1-2 days. Depending on your location in the USA, Europe or Canada, you can expect your parrot to arrive within this timeframe, ensuring a quick and smooth transition to their new home.

Comfort and Safety: We prioritize your puppy’s well-being by using customized, climate-controlled crates. These crates are clearly marked with “LIVE ANIMALS” and “UP” stickers to ensure they are handled with care. We include ample food and water in the crate to keep your puppy nourished and hydrated. We also strive to schedule direct flights whenever possible to minimize travel time and stress.

Weather Considerations: We monitor weather conditions at both the departure and arrival locations to ensure safe shipping. If adverse weather conditions are expected, we will postpone the shipment to protect your puppy’s health and safety. Your parrot’s well-being is our top priority.

Payment Methods: We accept payments via bank transfer, Zelle, and Cash App, Apple Pay. Payment is only requested after we have drafted the transfer of ownership document and sales contract. This process ensures that you are protected and can easily trace us if any issues arise.

Nanny Shipping Option

For an additional level of care, we offer Nanny Shipping. A reliable pet Nanny will accompany your parrot on the flight, providing personalized attention and minimizing stress throughout the journey. This method ensures the highest level of comfort for your new puppy